Dear Japanese friends
In these days there's a short pause in my "jazz-rock" tale as I'm with arti & mestieri, for an important concert in Italy.
We'll be performing in Verona, that's in North/East part of Italy.
Now We're in my studio, Electromantic Synergy, where we're rehearsing arti's repertoire, as this Friday, June 6 we will at this important Progressive event, here in Italy, that's Verona Prog Fest 2008.
I'm goin to leave for the concert so, I'll be back on the Blog on the week-end.
As this blog is also sometimes a mirror of my daily life, my musical life, as you have seen last week, today I'm talkin' about arti & mestier's rehearsals.
We're rehearsing in my studio, Electromantic Synergy that's in my village in S. Sebastiano da Po ( you can see my village in the the background photo, on the flyer of our concert, BEPPE CROVELLA/ESAGONO, at STB 139 in June 26 & 27).
Normally we play in 2 ways: in some session we play all instrumental parts and on others we play all parts with vocal and, in these session Iano, our singer, join us.
My studio' recording room is quite big so we can play live in studio, without needing headphones, if not for Iano.
There's a peculiar thing for drums as Furio has a special set-up that he calls "Speculare" and he has to arrange my drums for his needs. Marco Roagna carries with him his Mesa Boogie amp, while Roberto uses my old vintage Fender Bassman amplifier.
Last night a nice thing happened, before the band arrived, and Marco, Iano and me where there, playing and improvising.
I've had an idea of a sequence of chords.
I asked to Marco to improvise on it.
It worked, it was a very nice mood!
I made a couple of changes and I thought of using it like an intro to "Aria Pesante" a tune from "giro di Valzer Per Domani" that we have included on our live show. This tune works well on the record as it is, but when performing it live, we felt the need of an intro and this last idea seems really the best one for that!
Later, with the whole band, Furio had an idea regarding the finale of the same tune. To add some "drama" in the finale, he proposed a short drum section between the last 2 parts, allowing him to change the speed of it, to create a more aggressive last part. It worked and we've put it in the arrangement of the tune.
One aspect of the character of Progressive Music is that the tune, the arrangement of the tune itself, sometimes, can change, in time, especially if the bands is doing many gigs.
For example after we made or first album "Tilt" we made an Italian tour with PFM and... a few weeks after the album was out we had already changed the arrangement of a tune and that's "Positivo/Negativo".
There's a short extract of this new arrangements on "il RiCORDarti", the CD that's in "33" our big package, of which NTSC version is out in these days: (www.aem33.com) (www.myspace.com/artimestieri33 ).
So at the end rehearsals can be more than just "rehearsing the repertoire" but it can be a creative moment for new ideas, new arrangements to add excitement at the repertoire itself.
While Tonight "Cantina Sociale". another Electromantic Music band, as you know, will be in studio to start the recording of their new album, and obviously Iano will join them after the festival, I'll ba back on the Blog after Verona Prog Festival.
Stay happy,
イタリアで、arti & mestieriのコンサートがあるから、ここ最近ジャズ・ロックの話が途切れてしまったね。
先週のブログを読んでくれたらわかると思うけど、このブログでは、ときどき僕の日常生活やミュージック生活を描いてる。今日は、arti & mestieri のリハーサルについて話すよ。
マルコ・ロアグナは自分の MEGA BOOGIE アンプを持って来て、ロベルトは、僕のフェンダーBassmanアンプを使っているよ。
いくつか変更したら、「giro di Valzer Per Domani」の中の「Aria Pesante」へもっていくイントロに使えるんじゃないかなって思ったよ。ライブで演奏する予定なんだ。この曲は、アルバムにはいいけど、ライブで演奏するには、イントロが必要なんじゃないかなって感じてたんだ。そこで、このアイデアが一番いい感じになった!
ここ最近発売された、僕たちの超豪華パッケージCD「33」の「il RICORDarti」には、短い新しいアレンジメントが引き出されているよ。
(www.aem33.com) (www.myspace.com/artimestieri33 ).
今夜は、エレクトロマンティクのバンド「Camtina Sociale」もスタジオでアルバムのレコーディングを始めるから、ラノもフェスティバルの後、きっと彼らに加わるね。それじゃ、ヴェロナのプログフェストの後にブログに戻るよ。
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