Dear Japanese fans,
Now, “I give the word” to my friend Marco Cimino that will introduce Esagono’s shows in Japan.
Dear fans,
we are very glad for this terrific opportunity to come and play in your country. We are longing to perform our new CD to a well disposed audience, that knows well the entire tradition of Italian progressive and jazz rock, made in Turin. And for these Japanese concerts only we are planning to extend our track list including some old stuff from the original A&M and Esagono repertoire.
Here is our cue list of the concert:
Esagono Apocalypso Tour 2008
Apocalypso: an intro in overture form based on a recorded tape with many voices (from J.McCain to some scientists) speaking about pollution, Kyoto protocol, greenhouse effect, USA position on it, ending with Apocalpse Now extract "I like the smell of napalm in the morning..." We will play over it anticipating the atmosphere for:
Napalm, the starting track of our last CD, featuring Diego on soprano sax.
Seven steps among the clouds: Marco Gallesi's composition, which unfortunately couldn't come with us, but Massimo is such a great bass player. . The tune is a 7/4 tempo most of the time.
Metti una sera a cena ( maybe one night at dinner time): it is an Ennio Morricone composition, well known in Italy, but not so much abroad because it was one of the early Italian film score. Anyway Eumir Deodato has recently recorded it.
Diego plays clarinet.
Then comes Maia, one track taken from our debut album dated 1976 that we revisited for our last CD.
Guajira do amor: a 6/4 tune played for the first half part along with a sequecencer background as in the recording version.
Our bass player for this visit to Japan, Massimo Camarca, introduces himself performing one of his compositions, “For You” (written with Beppe Crovella).
Then it is the turn of Diego's composition "Spazi aperti" (open spaces), a ballad full of chords I always fear to forget.
For these two concerts we decided to recall some of our previous stuff. It is the case of "Vicolo" (it means Row), our first album title track, which with a 9/4 6/4 4/4 modular structure is always fascinating for us to play.
For the same occasion we prepared a Suite containing some Arti&Mestieri music: "Zoetrope" and "Terra incognita" from Murales and "Dimensione terra" from "Giro di valzer".
On "Musica nera" (black music), that I will shortly perform on alto flute, an instrument I always loved, Diego will play his clarinet.
Here is time for a new tune I wrote after the suggestion of this trip to Japan, nothing exotic, just my mood to come and visit this far away world. Temporary title "From Tokyo to Kyoto". On the second concert we will probably play "Giù la testa" another terrific Morricone's composition.
"Arena" an extract from our first album, composed by our drummer Giorgio Diaferia, tune that I mostly rearranged for this occasion, playing flute on the first part as in the recorded version.
"Leggenda metropolitana" (urban legend) ends our concert program, followed as encore by "Rainstick" with a drums solo and Arti&Mestieri's famous anthem
"Gravità 9.81" featuring our good friend Beppe Crovella on keyboards.
Marco Cimino
● エサゴノ「アポカリプソ」ツアー2008 ●
Metti Una Sera A Cena (多分ある夜の夕食時):これは、イタリアで良く知られているエンニオ・モリコーネの作曲。海外では、あまり知られてないようだね。彼は、初期の映画音楽家だったんだ。とにかく、エウミール・デオダードが最近録音したんだ。
Guajira do amor: レコーディング・バージョンのように、シーケンサーをバックに前半は4分の6拍子で演奏される曲。
それから、arti & mestieriの曲もいくつか用意している。
「Murales」からの「Zoetrope」と「Terra Incognita」、そして「Giro de Valzer」からの「Dimensione Terra」。
そして、間もなく僕が、僕の好きな楽器アルト・フルートで「Musica Nera」を演奏。そしてディエゴは、彼のクラリネットで演奏。
そして、ついに、日本公演を提案した後に書いた僕の新しい曲を披露。大してエキゾチックでもないけど、はるか日本へ訪れるという、僕のムードの曲さ。タイトルは、「東京から京都へ」ってところかな。2日目は、多分、また素晴らしいモリコーネの作品「Giu la Testa」を演奏するよ。
「Leggenda Metropolitana」(都市伝説)で僕らのコンサートは終わる。
アンコールは、ドラム・ソロ有りの「Rainstick」。そして、僕たちの友人ベッペがキーボードに入って、arti & mestieriの有名なアンセム「Gravita 9.81」も演奏するよ。
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