My dear Japanese friends
Tomorrow morning I'll meet Esagono at Turin's airport, Caselle and we'll go to Rome and from Rome to Tokyo.
I'm re-experiencing the pleasure and excitement of comin' in Japan.
First of all I want to give you a picture of the scene you'll find.
I will play tunes from "Pianovagando" my solo piano album that's comin’ out very soon, next month, as well as pieces from arti & mestieri's repertoire, a couple of Beatles & Stones' classics and some totally improvised pieces.
Basically As "Pianovagando" with 57 pieces focus on me as a Composer and interpreter with just some improvisations, the live concert is quite different, starting from the tunes and improvising a lot.
My live concept of improvisations is so free as well as with the character of becoming structured as the tunes goes on, "linked by surprise".
I mean I like to improvise real themes, chord sequences, rhythm, riffs, melodies & more melodies, creating moods, dynamics and so on so much "on the spot", on that moment with obviously an high degree that unpredictability is the only certainty!
With these premises, obviously, the audience, the place, the piano, the unique atmosphere of those nights, of those moments will switch on passion, emotion, colours, adventure games and ... more!
I will seat in front of a wonderful Yamaha Grand Piano
On Tuesday and I'll start with "Alba mediterranea" a piece I wrote for arti & mestieri and that I composed, inspired by a dawn in Sardinia, years ago.
After I'll play "Gianfranco" dedicated to arti & mestieri's singer that died on '86 a very romantic melancholic tune.
Next tune. "Over the Ocean" is a modal Hard boppish tunes I wrote the first time I flight over the ocean.
After there will be a special rendition of "Eleanor Rigby", followed by a total improvisation piece called "STB 1".
Next there will be "Ode", inspired by the great poem by A, Shaughnessy.
After it there will be another full improvisation called "STB 3".
The end of the show will be "Birth"
The second night I will open with "Montmartre" dedicated to that fabulous moment in time in early '20's in Paris.
It will be followed by "Sin Fronteras".. that's passion extracted from my Spanish heart... no frontiers in art.
"Back Home" that come after, was composed after being on military services for the first 40 days, touching guns and ... no pianos for 40 days and getting this tune as soon as I reached my home and my great friend, my first vertical piano.
After that a Stones' Classic, "Paint It black", using black and white keys to re-paint it with my colours.
Then we have a full improvisation called "STB 2", followed by a piece dedicated to my little village, where I live, "S. Sebastiano" with echoes of old Italian popular music, so rich in melody and emotion as everyone knows everywhere, ...it's Italian DNA.
After that another full improvisation "STB 4" and at the end,.. "birth" as ... the world end is meaningless in the music world, so "birth" seemed the right way ... to end!
... Id' like to say more, but at this time I want the music speaks by itself letting the Piano translate my moods in emotional sounds for you.
my friends,
see you there,
till then,
stay happy,
初めに僕が弾く曲は、来月発売されるソロ・アルバム「Pianovagando」からだよ。そしてart&mestieriの曲、 Beatles & Stonesの曲、全く即興した曲もプレイするよ。
木曜日、ari&mestieriのために書いた曲「Alba Mediterranea」から始めるつもりだよ。
次は、「Over the Ocean」。海の上を飛行機で飛んだ時、初めて書いた曲。
その後、「Eleanor Rigby」の特別な演奏をして、それから「STB1」と呼ぶ全くの即興曲を演奏する。
次に、素晴らしい詩人 A. Shaughnessy に感銘させられた「Ode」を演奏するよ。
その後、「Sin Fronteras」。これは、僕のスペインの心の情熱だ。芸術には、国境はない。
そして、「Back Home」。これは、兵役初めの40日間に書いたもの。40日間もピアノから離れて、鉄砲に触れていた。家に、友達に、そして、僕のピアノに戻ったらすぐ、この曲が出来たんだ。
その後に、ストーンズのクラシック、「Paint It Black」を演奏する予定。黒と白の鍵盤を、僕の色でペイントするんだ。
1 comment:
Your Solo、Arti e' Mestieri、New Cuts・・・
This set is definitely great show tonight And tomorrow night!
See you,tonight!
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