In last century we've had 2 extremely important cultural, artistic, musical facts: Jazz and Rock.
IF we think for a while what's behind these 2 words, we find 2 almost endless beautiful worlds, that have influenced significantly art and life on this planet and whose horizons, today, seem really endless, as their own creations, their creativity are goin' on without stops or barriers,
givin' feeling and excitement to our everyday life.
Well, these 2 worlds at a certain points of their evolution, started to walk very close, when a certain magnetism attracted some elements of one language to move into the other one.
To better understand the relationship between jazz and rock in jazz-rock,
we have to start by looking at some musical basics.
We know the 4 basic elements by which we can define the main character
of a musical style and these are, following the classical musical history:
1. Melody
2. Rhythm,
3. Harmony
4. Orchestration (Instrumentation & arrangement of sounds)
In modern music we can define better point 4, as one big difference in last 50 years has been the change in the colours of sound, especially with the advent of electricity, electronics and digital.
So we can define the 4th element, in a better way, by calling it "sound colour" and this definition incorporates instruments, timbres, sound effects and the mixing of sounds).
Having in mind these 4 basics, especially at the beginning at the artistic meeting of jazz and rock, we can see how they interacted, for example putting a rock rhythm under a jazz melody and harmony, or we can see how "electric colours", primarily associated with Rock Music, entered in the originally acoustic jazzy room.
On the other hand at a certain point we saw more jazzy harmony behind melodies in rock tunes, and solos and the solo itself became longer, in a typical jazz way, adding more blue lines, more jazzy lines to its native rock nature.
A curious and interesting thing is that at the beginning the "artistic meeting" of rock and jazz was called "Rock-jazz" and later it became "jazz-rock".
So, this is the first chapter in "jazz-rock", that will go deeper into the style, consequently taking you to the world of "Turin Jazz Rock School" that I'm goin' to introduce and present here in a few days.
Till then,
stay happy,
1. メロディー
2. リズム
3. 調和
4. オーケストラ編成(器楽の編成と音の配列)
近代音楽では、より良い4つ目の要素が定義できます。50年間の間で、 特に、電気やエレクトロニクス、デジタルの出現のため、音の色が大きく変化がしてきている。
そういうことで、これが、ジャズロックの第1章です。これが、どんどんスタイルにより深く入り込んで行き、その結果、2〜3日で紹介する「Turin Jazz Rock School」の世界へと導いて行きます。
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