Wednesday, September 10, 2008


My dear Japanese friends,

10 years ago Lucio Battisti died, exactly it was 10 years ago today,
September 9, 1998.

Lucio Battisti has been extremely important in the Italian music history of last 50 years.

He's been a really great songwriter, writings songs that...everyone in
Italy knows. Almost every single and every LPs he did became huge hits although they weren't typical Italian songs.

His songs were absolutely original in their form, maintaining a deep melodic content, with a lot, lot of passion, drama, intensity of emotion and variety of colours, with unusual arrangements.

Each song had its own personality, they were quite "progressive" several times, for example a song like "Mi Ritorni in Mente" had several different parts, changing tempos, classical music's diminuendos, changin' moods, re-interpreting Italian melodramas as well as American rhythms and blues,

Franz Di Cioccio, PFM's drummer that you certainly know, has written recently a book with the writer Riccardo Bertoncelli, about Lucio, as he played in several Lucio's song, and I've just ordered as it will be surely of great interest, with a lot of "unknown" things about Battisti's art.
(Sulle Corde di Lucio di Franz Di Cioccio e Riccardo Bertoncelli).

I dedicated a CD to Lucio, called "Hammond Homage: Lucio Battisti", with my great love, the Hammond Organ, as main actor, I re-arranged lucio's Songs as they were my tune, givin great importance to the way that Lucio sang the lyrics.

In fact, in front of me, while I was recording it, in my studio I hadn't the original score, but I had the lyrics, written by Mogol (who wrote an incredible quantity of lyrics of Italian songs, including PFM's hit, "impressioni Di Settembre".

In Battisti's music the lyrics are extremely important; Mogol words become "one thing", often "one sound" with Battisti's music creating something unique and beautiful.

As in the title of the song "Mi Ritorni iN mente" (You came back in my mind), Mogol-Battisti's music will come back in many minds for years and years.

I'll be back soon,
in the meantime,

Stay Happy,








各歌には、個性があった。いくつかは「プログレ」であった。例えば、「Mi Ritorni in Mente」のような曲では、いくらか違った部分があり、テンポも変えて、クラシック音楽のディミヌエンドがあり、ムードを変えて、アメリカのリズム&ブルースと同様イタリアのメロドラマを再び解釈した感じ。


僕は、「Hammond Homage」というルーチォに捧げるアルバムを作った。

実際、レコーディングをしている時、僕の手元にオリジナルの楽譜がなかったんだ。でも、モゴールによって書かれた歌詞があった。モゴールは、PFMのヒット曲「Impressioni Di Settembre」と含め、多くのイタリアの歌を作詞してきたんだ。


「Mi Ritorni In Mente」(あなたは私の心に戻る)という歌のタイトルのように、モゴール/バッティスティの音楽は、何年も何年も心に戻ることでしょう。



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