My dear Japanese friends,
I've a very interesting surprise for you: in November "Il Castello di Atlante" will play in Japan for their Japan Tour.
It's many years that an Italian group hasn't had this extraordinary opportunity of doing 5 consecutive dates in your country, Wow!
"Il Castello di Atlante" is really "unique" in the sense that the band was formed in 1974 with Paolo Ferrarotti on drums, Aldo Bergamini, on guitars, Massimo Di Lauro, on violin and Dino Fiore on bass. Roberto Giordano on keyboards joined the band in 1982. (Paolo, Aldo, Roberto are lead singers as well)
They will come to Japan with THEIR ORIGINAL LINE-UP!!!
It sounds quite incredible as many 70's bands (including arti & mestieri) normally have 1, 2 original members, but IL CASTELLO has THE ORIGINAL LINE-UP!!!
In recent years Dino left the band for a while but now he's back, Great!!!
Il Castello di Atlante's style is authentic 100% pure Italian prog.
I've produced all their albums, starting in the 90's with their first ones when I was producing prog with my friend Massimo Buffa (Vinyl Magic and later BTF) that shared the same passion for the progressive world that was "returning" and you can find those albums at his site, www.btf.it
And now, in this tour IL CASTELLO DI ATLANTE will present their 7th album: "TRA LE ANTICHE MURA" confirming the continuing path of Italian prog
It appears on "Prog Italiano" Electromantic Music's sub label that handles Italian prog.
Electromantic music and the artists thanks deeply HIROSHI MASUDA, who's great passion has helped help and allowed to make this long time dream the band had, to come true!!!
Stay happy and enjoy music everyday, everyone!
日本のみんなに、とっても興味のある驚くニュースがあるよ!それはね、11月に「Il Castello di Atlante」が来日することだよ!
Il Castello di Atlanteは、とても「ユニーク」なグループだ。
ドラムにPaolo Ferraotti, ギターにAldo Bergamini, バイオリンにMassimo Di Lauro, ベースにDino Floreを率いて1974年に結成。1982年に、Roberto Giordanoがキーボードとして参加した。Paoloと、Aldo, Robertoは、リード・シンガーでもあるんだ。
70年代のバンドは、arti&mestieri含めて、普通一人や二人のメンバーが変わるものだけど、Il Castelloは、まさにオリジナルのメンバー!!!
Il Castello di Atranteのスタイルは、100パーセント純粋なイタリア・プログだよ。
僕は、プログ友達のMassimo Buffa(Vinyl MagicレーベルからBTFに移動)と彼らのアルバムをすべてプロデュースしたんだ。そのアルバムは、BTFのウェブサイトに載っているよ。www.btf.it
それから、この日本ツアーにかけて、7枚目のアルバム「TRA LE ANTICHE MURA」をリリースするよ。イタリア・プログの道を歩み続けるという確認の意味でね。
彼らについては、Electromantic Musicのサブ・レーベル、「Prog Italiano」で見つけられるよ。
Electromantic MusicとIl Castello di Atlamteのアーティスト達は、この長年の夢を叶えてくれたマスダ ヒロシさんに深く感謝しています。